Bridging The Gab With Wisdom!

A socio-cultural community organization of Ethiopian and Belgian Muslims of Ethiopian origin

Luqman Ethiopia

LEBMA vzw is a socio-cultural community organization of Ethiopian and Belgian Muslims of Ethiopian origin. It was established in July 2009. It was established to serve its members, Ethiopian and Belgians of Ethiopian origin, in their cultural, religious and community matters.


LEBMA vzw is dedicated to serving and uniting Ethiopian and Belgian Muslims of Ethiopian origin. Our mission is to preserve our cultural heritage, deepen our religious understanding, and foster…


The vision of Luqman Ethiopia (LEBMA vzw) is to create a thriving and harmonious community where Ethiopian and Belgian Muslims of Ethiopian origin can celebrate and preserve their cultural…


At LEBMA vzw, our core value is unity. We believe that unity among our members and within the broader community is essential for our collective growth and prosperity. We…

On Going Projects

LE-FEBM vzw is a socio-cultural community organization of Ethiopian and Belgian Muslims of Ethiopian origin. It was established in July 2009 and has been serving its members and the bigger community at its reach in different ways. The organization has outlined diverse objectives to realize and services to deliver. However, the level and diversity of services it managed to deliver so far has been by far limited. Despite the fact that different factors are interplaying, the lack of a fixed center to organize its activities has been identified as one of the critical problems.

Luqman Culture & Knowledge Center

Luqman Activities

Luqman Ethiopia, engages in a multifaceted array of activities to uplift and empower its community.

Monthly Meetings

Luqman holds monthly meetings with its members as a cornerstone of its organizational structure. These gatherings serve several essential purposes. Firstly, they create a platform for members to come together and connect on a regular basis. These meetings are not just about business; they’re about fostering a sense of community among the members.

Annual Big Event in Partnership

One of the standout activities of Luqman is its annual big event, which is organized in partnership with two distinguished international organizations: Senselet Jemma from the Netherlands and Iqra Community from the United Kingdom. This event is a grand celebration that draws participants and attendees from all walks of life.

Support for Development Projects

Luqman’s involvement in supporting development projects within the Ethiopian community showcases its dedication to making a lasting impact. These projects can encompass a wide range of areas, including but not limited to:



In Luqman Ethiopia, every special occasion becomes a cherished moment. Weddings, graduations, and other significant milestones are celebrated with enthusiasm, reflecting the warmth and camaraderie that define our community. Join us in these exceptional moments, where the spirit of togetherness takes center stage.


Join us in commemorating the essence of Luqman Ethiopia through our annual festivities. From colorful cultural festivals that reflect the diversity of our community to traditional ceremonies that honor our shared history, these events create lasting memories and strengthen the bonds that tie us together. Discover the joy of celebrating milestones and traditions that define Luqman Ethiopia’s identity.


Experience the rhythm of Luqman Ethiopia’s social life with our monthly highlights. Whether it’s local gatherings, art exhibitions, or community-driven initiatives, each month offers a chance to engage with the heartbeat of our town. Stay tuned to our calendar to make the most of these regular occurrences and connect with fellow residents in meaningful ways.

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